Nudists in Dorset are upset at the "heavy-handed" tactics police employed during a naked nature ramble last summer. Around 15 hikers--clad only in rucksacks and boots--set off to raise money for the Marine Conservation Society, the charity that British nudists had decided to support this year. Said a police spokeswoman: "We had 18 complaints about nudity from members of the public and one man was arrested."
Complained one 63-year-old nude hiker: "It was completely unnecessary and such a waste of resources....We just don't want to wear too many clothes. The police officers that day, by contrast, looked very hot and overdressed."
One of the most-read stories on the Times of London website is about how Singapore Airlines has banned sex in the airborne suites of its Airbus A380 jets. The airline is the first to offer double beds, but a spokesman cautioned, "the rules for behaviour in our double beds are the same ones that apply throughout the aircraft.”
If the jumbo jet's a-rockin' don't come a-knockin'.
This changes everything: Scientists at Granada University in Spain report that a pint of beer is better for you after a workout than water. Writes the Mail: "Professor Manuel Garzon, of Granada's medical faculty, made his discovery after tests on 25 students over several months."
I wonder what the waiting list will be like to get into his class next semester.
Gargoyle of the Week
I snapped this last week at Wells Cathedral.

Olive Oil Bottle of the Week
I spotted this olive oil while shopping at Asda.

What's Willie Nelson doing on the label? Is he becoming the Paul Newman of olive oil?

But no, that's not Willie. It's a crusty Greek olive farmer.
Have a great weekend.
In one of his "Lives" Plutarch reports, some Germanic tribers used to leap from peak to peak in the winter while completely naked in order to terrify the invading Romans, but the tactic seems not to have worked.
Some of the British are descended from Germanic tribes but of course a lot has happened in the intervening centuries; still, the nudist movemnet has had its followers in Britain.
You know, I'm liking these tidbits from Mother England even better than your daily Metro column. I'm going to beg the Post to let you stay over there.
I've heard British Senior Citizens referred to as "wrinklies." The 63 year old nudist conjours very unpleasant mental pictures.
On a happier note, you will be pround of your Post colleague, Dana Milbank who managed to include a Monty Python reference (Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition) in a satirical piece (Logic Tortured)on a breakfast seminar titled: "Waterboarding and other forms of torture."
This changes everything: Scientists at Granada University in Spain report that a pint of beer is better for you after a workout than water.
This was a bit confusing. Perhaps you could change it to read:
This changes everything: Scientists at Granada University in Spain report that after a workout a pint of beer is better for you than water.
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